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Safety of Colloidal Silver?

A clear distinction must be made between metal atoms that are safe and metal ions that can be toxic in high doses. Silver and Gold, in the metallic, atomic, or colloidal form are metabolic catalysts, are not changed by passage through the body, are non-toxic, except to one-cell plants and animals, and are non-addicting. Atomic electrically charged, non-ionized Silver is a chemically inert catalyst and anti-oxidant. Inside the body, silver atoms form no toxic compounds that cannot react with the stomach’s Hydrochloric Acid, nor react with anything other than a microbe’s oxygen-metabolizing enzyme, providing the atoms are small enough to penetrate the microbe, virus, or prion. There have been no reports of adverse effects from the use of properly prepared NANOSILVER WATER. Elemental atomic silver is excreted all too rapidly by the kidneys and does not accumulate in the body. Argyria (blue skin) has never been reported with silver in the pure metallic or colloidal form, but only when in ionic form combined with protein or an anion such as nitrate. NANOSILVER WATER has minimal effects on benign bacteria of the colon because NANOSILVER WATER is rapidly absorbed into the small intestine. There have been no reports of adverse effects from the use of properly prepared COLLOIDAL SILVER. “Silver is not toxic to humans and is not known to cause cancer, reproductive or neurological damage, or other chronic adverse effects”. at It has been established by EPA (CASRN 7440-22-4) that it is safe to ingest a daily quantity of 350 mcg (micrograms) This is the amount that is contained in one ounce (30 ml) or in six teaspoonfuls of 10 ppm colloidal silver. 10 ppm is generally produced by 10 hours of charging pure water. 25 ppm is generally produced by 25 hours of charging pure water. 3 teaspoonfuls of 25 ppm contain 375 mcg. It is recommended here not to exceed these doses for oral ingestion. Legally available colloidal mineral waters (of doubtful quality) are available in most pharmacies and are not sold by us. PPM can be determined by using a conductivity meter that we sell. We are using silver in its inert non-ionic nano-molecular form where each cluster of atoms carries an electrical charge called Zeta Potential which inactivates the organisms. This, not the electrolytic, ionic, or salt form (such as silver nitrate, silver chloride, acetate, or oxide).  Each atomic cluster acts as a catalyst, does not interact with the body chemistry, is not retained in the body and is excreted all too rapidly from the kidney, and can cross the blood-brain barrier, if less than 10 nanometers. Many enlightened health practitioners including ourselves recommend and have been taking Colloidal Silver Solution daily for 25 years as a preventive against flu and other viruses that cause cancer, Alzheimer”s, MS, Parkinsons’, and maybe diabetes. Colloidal silver, colloidal gold, etc are so well accepted now that most health stores in North America are already selling colloidal solutions to the general public. The World Health Organization’s (WHO) guidelines for ‘drinking water quality indicate no adequate data with which to derive a health-based value for silver in drinking water. These guidelines state that, “where silver salts such as silver nitrate are used to maintain the bacteriological quality of drinking water, levels of ionized silver up to 0.1 mg/liter (0.1 parts per million) can be tolerated without risk to health.” Silver is regulated by US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) National Secondary Drinking Water Regulations. The above standards are based on silver nitrate which is the most oxidizing corrosive form of silver rather than our nanocrystals which are antioxidant and have not been shown to be toxic at any level. Argyria (blue skin) has never been reported with silver in the pure metallic or colloidal form, but only when in ionic form, combined with protein or an anion such as nitrate. There is a great deal of safety information available on the use of silver both internally and externally. Most available test work on silver is provided through the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).  Unlike other heavy metals, silver is not known to have human carcinogenic potential and is not a mutagen (EPA Reregistration Eligibility Document (RED) document, page 3, 3rd paragraph). “Silver is not toxic to humans and is not known to cause cancer, reproductive or neurological damage, or other chronic adverse effects”. at “Colloidal Silver Has Mainstream Medicine Singing the Blues” Jan 16, 2008, by Tony M. Isaacs at American Chronicle Safety:  Properly made CS using a professional colloidal generator such as ours has no side effects and is totally safe at 50 ppm. I have been taking it daily for 25 years with no Argyria or digestive symptoms and put it in my cat food every day (JS).  

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